Thursday, February 02, 2006

Added stylesheet for feeds

Now if you open any feed in your browser, it will be rendered with a nice stylesheet, so you can read the feed instantly.

Tested in MSIE 6, MSIE 7 and Firefox. Opera is currently not supported. Note that Internet Explorer 7 overrides custom stylesheets and shows feed contents in it's own style.


Anonymous said...

Really beautifully implemented. See how I created a feed of the BlogBridge Top 100:

Very well done. Now, can we please reduce the number of feed43 ads in a feed?


blakewest said...

The stylesheet looks great! I disagree with Marjolein's sentiment. Feed43 is a free service, and the link at the bottom of each feed item seems less like an ad and more like an appropriate credit. I tried writing a web-to-rss scraper a couple weeks ago, and Feed43 is much easier. Let them do what they want.

Feed43 said...

These are not ads. These are just links to Feed43 service. There newer will be any ads inside feeds, because the content that Feed43 serves is copyrighted by third parties.

I admit that if your news item is tiny and contains just few words, these Feed43 taglines will look a bit busily. I will maybe make some dependency on item content size and the frequency of Feed43 taglines.